offener Brief aus Prag zur Situation nach den Massenrazzien in Growshops

Liebe Freunde,

die Tschechische Republik war bislang ein wundervolles Land zum Leben, doch die Zeiten ändern sich.
Einige Polizisten haben sich entschieden dies zu ändern. Die Razzien in Growshops haben nur ein Ziel, nämlich unser Geschäft zu zerstören um die Kontrolle zu übernehmen. Zunächst waren kleinere Shops das Ziel, doch Schritt für Schritt inzwischen auch alle anderen.
In den meisten Fällen haben sie alle Waren und Geldbestände beschlagnahmt, Konten eingefrohren und die Betreiber kurzerhand festgenommen. (Für 48 Stunden) Sie haben sogar das Taschengeld der Kinder der Betreiber beschlagnahmt.

Wir haben nur eine Chance, wir müssen für unsere Rechte kämpfen, wir müssen kämpfen um zu überleben.
Wenn wir diese Schlacht verlieren sind wir einfach am Arsch. Die Situation ist sehr ernst.

Es heist bei uns in der Tschechienein Freund in Not sei ein wahrer Freund.
Ich hasse es um Geld oder Unterstützung zu betteln, aber momentan sehe ich keine andere Chance als euch freundlich um eure Unterstützung zu bitten.
Wir werden es euch nie vergessen, ihr erlangt dadurch nicht nur einen Platz in unseren Herzen sondern auch in unseren Läden, in Zeitungen, Rundschreiben, auf unseren Websiten und Social-Media-Auftritten.  (Sofern ihr dem zustimmt)

Unser Plan ist einfach: Den besten Anwalt Tschechiens anheuern, alle Argumente und Beweismittel sammeln die unserer Sache dienen und alle Fehler der Polizei aufdecken, um alle,  auch kleine Shops zu unterstützen , um einen Präzedenzfall zu schaffen der uns hilft diese Mistkerle zu besiegen.

Wir haben die erfahrene Elen Vasilova angestellt. Sie ist in diesem Fall euer Ansprechpartner.
Per Telefon: +420 776829341
oder per E-Mail:

Sie wird den Kontakt mit allen Shops, Anwälten und auch den Medien sowie euch über die neuesten Entwicklungen und hoffentlich auch über unseren Erfolg auf dem laufenden halten.
Des weiteren hat sie Zugriff zum Konto und kann euch über die Verwendung der Mittel berichten.

Wir freuen uns über jedes nette Wort und jeden einzelnen Euro, aber bedenkt bitte, dass wir genug Geld auftreiben müssen um einen wirklich guten Anwalt in einem wirklich großen Verfahren bezahlen zu können. Daher habe ich folgende Staffellung aufgestellt: 100€-250€ Kleinspende, 250-500€  echt ordentliche Spende, 500-1000€ ersehnte Spende, über 1000€ – Engel! :)

IBAN = CZ5555000000005496686001

Um unseren guten Willen zu beweisen stehe ich mit meinem Namen und meinem Hals dafür grade eure Mittel vernünftig einzusetzen. Sowie auch: Lukas Behal (Organisator des Cannafest) Jindrich Krasa (Chefreadkteur der Soft Secrets), Emanuel Kotzian (Verleger des Konoptikum) der Verband der Tschechischen Growshops und viele weitere.


Dipl.Ing Michal Otipka

Übersetzt von Sebastian Schneider

Message from Prague on Police raids against growshops

Dear Friends,
Czech republic has been a wonderfull place to live. But things are changing … Group of police officers has decided to change it. Big raid on growshops has only target … to destroy our industry and overtake control. They have first targetted smaller shops and are step by step to all the others. In most cases they have confiscated all the goods and cash, frozen bank accounts and put the owners to jail (for 48 hours). They have confiscated also pocket money of kids of owners … We have only chance … to fit for our rights … to fight to survive. If we loose this battle we will be simply fucked. The situation is really serious.
In Czech we have saying … A friend in need is a friend indeed.
I hate begging for money and for support. But these days I do not have any other chance than kindly ask You for Your support. People who will help us will never be forgotten. They will have not only place in our hearts, but also in our shops, will be published in newsletters, magazines, websites, facebooks (just if they agree with that).
Our plan is simple … to hire the best lawyer in Czech, to gather all arguments, prepare the evidence supporting us in our case, to point all the mystakes police has made, to support all the shops (even the smallest ones), to win the first case so we have the weapons to fight the bastards
We have hired skilled lady Elen Vasilova … she will be your contact preson … phone, mail +420 776829341
She will inform You about latest development, be in touch with all the shops, with lawyers, medias, … and I hope also about our success
Also she will have access to bank account and inform You how we have spent the money

We will be happy even for a kind words of support or just one euro, but please not that we need to collect enough to be able to pay the best lawyer for a really big case. Therefore I wrote this as a guide lines (100 -250 small support, 250- 500 reasonable support, 500-1000 desired support, more than 1000 angel:) )

bank account RZBCCZPPXXX = SWIFT/BIC kód
account number in IBAN format (for transfers from abroad) = CZ5555000000005496686001

As a guarant of a fair action I put my name and head on the table. As well Lukas Behal (organizer of Cannafest), Emanuel Kotzian (publisher of Konoptikum), Jindrich Krasa (chief editor of Soft Secrets) , association of czech growshops… and … many others

ing. Michal Otipka

Police raid in czech growshops

by Corespondent in Prague Petr Kozak

In Czech rep., there have been police raids since 4th of November until today. The main reason is supposed spreading of toxicomania. Together, there were checked nearly 100 business and private places. Since today, there were 45 people accused and next 32 people are suspicious in these cases. The police raid didnt stop last week, it will continue in next days and weeks.

The czech police published this week summary of this bust and show some cards for this terrible type of poker. Police spokes(wo)man Colonel Mgr. Ivana Jezkova told, that police confiscated goods like substrates, hydro pots, fertilisers, fans, seeds, headshop etc. Police also found 16 growing rooms in private places of owners of the shops and they find 11 kg of weed. The goods, object of bussiness will go under professional expertise.

The bust is by czech police led like more than 50 unique cases and these case are :
”aimed on criminal act called spreading toxicomany, which is based on offering and public promoting materials which are propagating growing and using marijuana. Also offering manuals and guides for growing, supplying tools for growing including seeds and manuals for next manufactory and using it in the way, to get the biggest psychoactive effect of THC on user”

Police also said, that the number of growing rooms in czech republic is hugely rising last years. Together with this rise, also number of shops (normal and eshop) which offer growing technologies for indoor cannabis growing, is rising too.

In October 2012, The Highest Court of Czech republic made a concrete ruling about one small growshop from North Bohemia which offers growing tools, seeds and manuals incl. Newspapers. The Highest Court told something like: “You cant sell on one place these three things. If you have it, you are spreading toxikomania”. Owners of the growshop receive suspended sentence 18 months. By this act (although czech rep. dont use a precedentnial law system), is now police acting.

So, police aimed on majority of owners of the shops and sellers, who fill the merit of the criminal act of toxikomany. By the police interpretation, everybody who tempts or support or stimulate other person for using addictive substance except alcohol, is spreading toxikomany. Also the person, who made the same by press, movies, radio broadcast, tv channel, website or other easy way, is spreading toxikomany too.

Police describes growshops like shops:” in which can customers buy everything what they need for growing, manufacturing and aplication of drug called marihuana. The medium of this focus is in majority of cases selling of seeds with declarated THC, spreading advert flyers, different supply catalogues, promo things with logo of cannabis leaf and also supply of many machines and tools for growing cannabis (fertilisers, substrates, technologies of light, irrigation, big coal filters) and goofs which is used for application (inhalatiaon) – cigarette papers, water bongs, filters, grinders etc. These growshops also run own websites and webforums. Marijuana growers are using these forums and exchange informations about maximalisation of quality of production and discussing about hiding. Growshops supply disclose guiding and stimulating informations for wide public. Together with moral support and mainly equipment for illegal acting. Illegal acting in this case means growing of cannabis, which can have more than 0,3% THC.”
The situation is still in process, they closed another growshops this week and it seems they will continue.

Complete information about it:

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